There's many names for the meetings I participate in (e.g., ideation, brainstorm, innovation) and the work I do (e.g., power sketching, quick drawing, visual note-taking) but whatever you call them my goal is the same: to turn your spoken, written and chicken-scratched ideas into actionable visual form. Here below are samples of my work for makers of goods and services ranging from consumer products to healthcare, science to utilities, even a Las Vegas casino.
The meetings may have many names but they always have one thing in common: they're a spontaneous and invigorating experience! 
A poster created that morning kicks off a session by explaining the process.
As I work I feel it's essential to riff on the idea too: showing how it makes you feel, or the need it might fill.  The best outcome is when the drawings spark fresh ideas and deeper insights, and keeping the momentum of the meeting going strong.
Marker-eye view of the work table during a session.
Settling in to illustrate the written concepts.
Quick sketches of the facilitator and the session.
Opening remarks are a good time for warm-up sketches.
Taking "sketch-notes" during conversations and presentations.
Finishing the session by posting written concepts with matching illustrations. This "gallery walk"  shows the participants what they've done and where they're going.
After a session my work is wrapped with its written description into a report that will lead to further product development and research- and where I'm often requested to return and pitch in with detailed illustrations of the winning ideas: see the "Gadgets, Goodies and Gizmos" section here.
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